Morrissey & Associates is a member in good standing locally with the City of Phoenix at our global headquarters as a certified SBE & DBE, nationally with the WBENC, federally as an SBA 8(a), certified, small-business, minority-owned, Arizona woman-owned company as well as within the travel industry through IATAN.

SBE & DBE, City of Phoenix Certified through the City of Phoenix as a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Morrissey & Associates can assist with and participate in specific opportunities made available through the city of Phoenix for certified firms.

WBENC The Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), founded in 1997, is the largest third-party certifier of businesses owned, controlled, and operated by women in the United States. WBENC is also the nation's leading advocate of women-owned businesses as suppliers to America's corporations. By including women-owned businesses among their vendors, corporations and government agencies demonstrate their commitment to fostering diversity and the continued development of their supplier/vendor diversity programs.

SBA 8(a) As an 8(a) certified, small-business, minority-owned, woman-owned company, Morrissey & Associates can provide outstanding meeting planning and support to assist organizations in providing successful small, medium or even large conferences. Whether planning an educational conference, or an executive-level meeting, Morrissey & Associates can provide cost-effective options that will always be within the parameters of government meetings.

IATAN (International Airlines Travel Agent Network) A department of IATA servicing all aspects of the US Travel and Tourism industry for more than 20 years. IATAN offers global recognition and global reach to industry suppliers around the world, which no other accreditation program can. IATAN's accreditation recognizes Morrissey & Associates as a diversified and versatile U.S. travel professional who can and will continue to meet universally recognized requirements and who sell travel and travel related services.